December 12 (Saturday)
09:20 – 09:40 (GMT+9) Opening Remarks
Alarcos CIEZA, Mingguang HE, Yizhi LIU & Kyoung Yul SEO
Plenary Session
Moderators: Mingguang HE & Sangchul YOON
09:40 – 10:10 Jong Min LEE – AI & Healthcare: A Perspective of Digital Transformation
(Samsung Electronics)
10:10- 10:40 Amanda DAVIS – Digital Technology & Avoidable Blindness
10:40 – 10:50 Q & A
Symposium 1
Moderators: Anoklath DE & Drew KEYS
AI & Global Health
10:50 – 11:00 Phil HOARE – AI and Teleophthalmology as an Innovative Device for the Global Eye Health
11:10 – 11:15 Fabrizio D’ESPOSITO – AI Solution for DR in LMICs
11:15 – 11:30 JoonHo LEE – Deep Learning Approach for Screening Retinal Diseases
11:30 – 11:45 Sangchul YOON – Trash to Treasure: Digital Approach in LMIC with Galaxy Upcycling – Novel Low Cost Fundus Camera with Upcycled Smartphone
11:45 – 12:00 Aloknath DE – Non-Invasive Eye Care with Sensor-Rich Smart Devices & Wearables
12:00 – 12:30 Lunch Symposium
Jose MENDOZA –  Topographic Widefield Analysis and Telehealth Approach in Glaucoma Diagnosis
Symposium 2
Moderators: Nam-Kuk KIM & Young Han LEE
Technical Updates in AI: Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)
12:30 – 12:45 Chaehan SO – An Introduction to Generative Adversarial Network
12:45 – 13:00 Mingyu KIM – Realistic High-Resolution Retinal Image Synthesized by a Style-Based Generator Architecture of Generative Adversarial Network
13:00 – 13:15 Yi Rang SHIN – Deep Generative Adversarial Networks: An Overview in Radiology
13:15 – 13:30 So Young YOO – Ethical & Legal Issues to Consider on GAN
13:30 – 13:40 Coffee Break
Symposium 3
Moderators: Robert CHANG & Hyun Seok CHOI
Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Medicine
13:40 – 13:55 Sophia WANG – The Weight of Words: Natural Language Processing for Ophthalmology Electronic Health Records
13:55 – 14:10 Jinhyuk LEE – From Open-Domain to Biomedical Question Answering
14:10 – 14:25 Jayanth RASAMSETTI – Amalgamating Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision in Health Sciences
14:25 – 14:40 Danli SHI – Medical Visual Question Answering: Multi-Disciplinary Problems of Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing
14:40 – 14:55 Yuan SHI – AWS in Smart Healthcare System – A Brief Introduction of Amazon Textract and Comprehend Medical
14:55 – 15:10 Ophthalmology Fun Quiz
Mingguang HE
15:10- 15:25 Closing Remarks: APTOS 2021 & 2nd Big Data Competition
Mingguang HE & Paisan RUAMVIBOONSUK

APTOS 2020 – The 5th Asia Pacific Tele-Ophthalmology Society (APTOS) Symposium